Caution Yellow Lobby Flag: Lobby has been active for 30+ minutes and may be out-dated and/or hosted by a bot. Note: this lobby will no longer display in the lobby list within the Dota 2 client.
Caution Red
Lobby Flag: Lobby has been confirmed to be malicious and/or hosted by a bot.

Lobby ID Flags Leader Description Map Players Max Players Region Lobby Age Password
28889565129572413 zxc капибара ! pudge_wars 4 10 EU West 2 minutes No
28889564961113853 Caution Yellow Yorund sin Sigvalda pudge_wars 1 10 Stockholm 206 minutes No
28889564986940144 Caution Yellow JB - DF - MG pudge_wars 1 10 Chile 172 minutes No
28889565130753102 他妈的所有中国人 pudge_wars 1 10 Singapore 1 minutes No