Caution Yellow Lobby Flag: Lobby has been active for 30+ minutes and may be out-dated and/or hosted by a bot. Note: this lobby will no longer display in the lobby list within the Dota 2 client.
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Lobby Flag: Lobby has been confirmed to be malicious and/or hosted by a bot.

Lobby ID Flags Leader Description Map Players Max Players Region Lobby Age Password
29170721167076133 戦隊大失格 dota 7 10 Singapore 13 minutes No
29170721173145636 mauricewv522 dota 1 7 Shanghai, China 6 minutes No
29170721114999961 Caution Yellow brendafu717 y dota 1 24 Shanghai, China 81 minutes Yes
29170721173734836 铁人三项 z dota 1 10 Shanghai, China 5 minutes No
29170721168626651 zbwiaiob9727 y demo 1 24 Singapore 12 minutes Yes
29170721171419326 ky灬chan y demo 1 24 Singapore 8 minutes Yes
29170721115145604 Caution Yellow richardqm764 y dota 1 24 Shanghai, China 81 minutes Yes
29170721115119063 Caution Yellow jeanfi599977 y dota 1 24 Shanghai, China 81 minutes Yes
29170721115145104 Caution Yellow monicaot23656 y dota 1 24 Shanghai, China 81 minutes Yes
29170721114988630 Caution Yellow denniseez021701 y dota 1 24 Shanghai, China 81 minutes Yes
29170721114995257 Caution Yellow henrycm6107 y dota 1 24 Shanghai, China 81 minutes Yes
29170721040610008 Caution Yellow eesoik78868 y demo 1 24 Singapore 215 minutes Yes
29170721114956818 Caution Yellow kellyna35803 y dota 1 24 Shanghai, China 81 minutes Yes
29170721114940944 Caution Yellow jessicajr847735 y dota 1 24 Shanghai, China 81 minutes Yes
29170721114899748 Caution Yellow lorenzash966 y dota 1 24 Shanghai, China 81 minutes Yes
29170721114915054 Caution Yellow racheljc906 y dota 1 24 Shanghai, China 81 minutes Yes
29170721146748152 Caution Yellow СЛДКЙ dota 1 10 EU West 40 minutes No
29170721167071774 zrtuxuuvqqh y demo 1 24 Singapore 13 minutes Yes
29170721177043404 ronaldqy790 omg 1 7 Shanghai, China 1 minutes No