Caution Yellow Lobby Flag: Lobby has been active for 30+ minutes and may be out-dated and/or hosted by a bot. Note: this lobby will no longer display in the lobby list within the Dota 2 client.
Caution Red
Lobby Flag: Lobby has been confirmed to be malicious and/or hosted by a bot.

Lobby ID Flags Leader Description Map Players Max Players Region Lobby Age Password
28889563710169211 Caution Yellow xnhpwbwx BSA test 21 24 Stockholm 1523 minutes Yes
28889563709274469 Caution Yellow Fraimhotby BSA test 21 24 Stockholm 1524 minutes Yes
28889563712759122 Caution Yellow DanikY BSA test 21 24 Stockholm 1519 minutes Yes
28889563712365151 Caution Yellow cwhpzrps BSA test 21 24 Stockholm 1520 minutes Yes
28889563711909227 Caution Yellow Gatzka BSA test 21 24 Stockholm 1520 minutes Yes
28889563711504553 Caution Yellow Estelle_Lesch72 BSA test 21 24 Stockholm 1521 minutes Yes
28889563711018345 Caution Yellow Byeonic BSA test 21 24 Stockholm 1522 minutes Yes
28889563704790901 Caution Yellow jyjtlypc BSA test 21 24 Stockholm 1531 minutes Yes
28889563714102076 Caution Yellow jokery BSA test 21 24 Stockholm 1517 minutes Yes
28889563715003008 Caution Yellow Jaydon86 BSA test 21 24 Stockholm 1516 minutes Yes
28889563713633496 Caution Yellow Lue19 BSA test 21 24 Stockholm 1518 minutes Yes
28889563707900601 Caution Yellow andrea_hayletti0vf BSA test 21 24 Stockholm 1526 minutes Yes
28889563707449573 Caution Yellow Armand_Reichert14 BSA test 21 24 Stockholm 1527 minutes Yes
28889563715478461 Caution Yellow xayuudhk BSA test 21 24 Stockholm 1515 minutes Yes
28889563706086834 Caution Yellow Dusty11 BSA test 21 24 Stockholm 1529 minutes Yes
28889563705633408 Caution Yellow Bedlam BSA test 21 24 Stockholm 1529 minutes Yes
28889563706540824 Caution Yellow odrjdopr BSA test 21 24 Stockholm 1528 minutes Yes
28889563705243259 Caution Yellow frederick_edwardsb8jo BSA test 21 24 Stockholm 1530 minutes Yes
28889563704338047 Caution Yellow ycxtqlwk BSA test 21 24 Stockholm 1531 minutes Yes
28889563713188116 Caution Yellow mack_scelzogk1c BSA test 21 24 Stockholm 1518 minutes Yes
28889563714593777 Caution Yellow omrtorof BSA test 20 24 Stockholm 1516 minutes Yes
28889563710616710 Caution Yellow Lorenza.Treutel38 BSA test 20 24 Stockholm 1522 minutes Yes
28889563709721484 Caution Yellow cfwpvxna BSA test 20 24 Stockholm 1523 minutes Yes
28889563708825974 Caution Yellow kubikx BSA test 20 24 Stockholm 1525 minutes Yes
28889563708357019 Caution Yellow Decxth BSA test 20 24 Stockholm 1525 minutes Yes
28889563707012780 Caution Yellow bcmihyig BSA test 20 24 Stockholm 1527 minutes Yes
28889563715924230 Caution Yellow Anne78 BSA test 14 24 Stockholm 1514 minutes Yes
28889565116090892 Viruss.exe 1-5_difficulty 2 4 Stockholm 5 minutes No